The issue of reservation has again got its limelight in the political discourse of deprived class of the country. Since 1970s to now in 2010s, what the both pro and anti reservationists have used the terms, instances, examples in their reservation literature, they all have been full of verbal jugglery only; they have not gone above this. There are some such issues, which can't be answered by any of them. Firstly, why the absolute upliftment of deprived class is not in our top priority?
If it is a reality, then why our upper class is not sensitive enough to raise this demand that deprived must be given top class empowering forumula with full implementation plan before raising any sort of their opposition to the policy of reservation. Secondly if the leadership of deprived class feels that they have been hugely negligent for thousands of years, so reservation is their fundamental right, then they must be asked if it has been such, then why merely five percent population of deprived class is able to enjoy this fundamental right, who have already become well off and formed themselves a creamy layer in their society.
This is the class which has awakened this issue of reservation in their political discourse. Finally this situation has created a political demarcation line between upper class and deprived class in form of 'class friends' and 'class foe', which in fact provides water and fertilizers to the 'dalit politics' in the country, not the surety and guarantee of socio economic upliftement of the dalits and deprived in the country. And because of this reservation, the real upliftement agenda of the deprived class has gone to the backburners.
Fact is that the eligibility condition for getting the reservation is still beyond the clutches of majority of the deprived sections of the society and all those policies and programs which should be carried upon for them that has not been even discussed in the political discourse of deprived politics. Then, why not we term this reservation issue, as an issue which is benefitting the interests of merely 5 percent of deprived citizenery over the mass welfare cause of 95 percent deprived citizenry of the country?
No one should ignore this fact that in India caste is class; there is no doubt about that. The upper caste situtated at upper position of social pyramid and all deprived sections are still lying over the bottom of this social pyramid. On the basis of several indicators of development, whether on the basis of land ownership status, owning of pucca houses, per capita income, per capita consumption, level of literacy, availability of health facilities, status of family planning, their presence ratio in the orgainsed workforce, presence in the Industrial activities, ratio of population living in urban areas, presence ratio in white collar jobs.
On all these indicators, the presence of deprived class look like that social pyriamid only. But irony is that in order to change this structure, the deprived section leadership is not interested in all above mentioned development indicators. They are only interested in burning the issue of reservation; by doing this they are helping the vested interests of some few upper caste people. This is the reason, if deprived are progressing just somehow in spread effect manner, on the contrast the upper class is progressing by leaps and bound and structure of social pyramid is same what it was earlier.
The reservation has only enabled some few deprived class people to become MP, MLA or Ministers and some thousands people to become government servant, these are those people who belong to elite among deprived class, who have strong educational and economic base from very before. But millions of downtrodden and deprived are still struggling to find their eligibilities for getting the benefit of reservation and further irony is that the current pace would take them even centuries to fulfill that eligibility.
There are numerous agendas of empowerment of deprived sections. For example there must be every year review how many dalit and deprived families are landless in the country and how many of them have got strip of land in a year? How many families are homeless and how many have been provided houses in said year? How many children of deprived class are admitted in several schools of the country and what is the ratio of their dropouts and what measures have been taken for checking this dropout? If we don't adopt the uniform education policy in the counry, then this criteria is also necessary to carry that how many percentage of deprived class children are enrolled in English medium public schools of the country?
How many neo born infants belong to deprived class are covered undere the national immunization plan? What is the status of entereneurship development among the deprived citizenry? How many poor deprived students have been provided scholarship? Whether the deprived class is getting the instant, cheap and unbiased justice out of this judicial system? These all agendas are key to the upliftment of the deprived class of the country.
However these all measures may have been initiated by the respective three tier of democratic governance through their several dept. and ministries. The ministry of social justice and empowerment may be reviewing them on annual basis also, but in formality only. So the the question is why all these agendas are not in our topmost priority of our governance and become the base of political will power of the government. Why it does not constitute to be the core of the discourse of deprived politics.
The issue of reservation which has occupied itself so high position in the political discourse of deprived class, will it be not better, we have a nationwide coaching and training network for all those deprived class aspirants availed through govt. and non govt. agencies? If we include deprived class people in our administration and other structure of counry through making them capable and efficient, that would be much much better intitative than bringing them through crutches of reservation. This would more help the cause of their empowerment. The organizer of famous coaching institutes 'super 30', Aanand kumar belong to a deprived class and he nurture the talent of many deprived class students through highest degree of coaching which has sure shot result in IITs and etc. What he is doing now, that is actually the empowerment of deprived class rather than singing the song of reservation.
The people who regard deprived section people incapable and inefficient, they have perhaps not observed them in deep rooted manner. Everyone can be made able and capable, but they need survelliance and empowerment, not the crutches of reservation. One who does politics of reservation, for them reservation is easiest bait to unite all 95 percent ignorant, illiterate and passive population of deprived section. But the question is, after all when those 95 percent will get benefitted in actual terms?
The reality is that the real upliftment of all deprived class people comprising SC, ST, Extreme OBC and poor upper caste people is not possible through reservation; it is only possible through empowerment and availing all basic amenties to them. It is possible through good governance. But unfortunately some vested interested group who belong to both upper caste and deprived class want to maintain this statusquo by keeping their community in the web of crutches like reservation. Some years ago when country was witnessing a huge sort of agitations against corruption, then some corrupt dalit politicians and activist along with other corrupt elements opposed this movement by saying that this movement is against the 'social justice' and 'reservation'. These corrupt elements delivered inappropriate statement, but the fact is that the corruption free governance always provides big armoury to the poor and deprived sections.
It is notable here until unless we have had a reservation policy for SSI, they never progressed, but when reservation facilities were lifted, they competed with big industries in a very successful manner and they over stepped them on many fronts. The reason was, they left the crutches and made themselves strong and able. Same story will have to applied among our deprive class so that compete with the upper class of the society but they surely need all basic facilities and survelliance.
Because of reservation, some people able to become MP, MLA and Ministers in this representative cracy democracy and some thousands people got the seat of government servants, who actually belonged to deprived eltite category, but the masses of deprived is earnestly waiting for their empowerment.
Now many social scientists are also of the view that the slogan of reservation has just become a fake which has nothing to do with the lot of the deprived masses. We all know the maximum reservation limit is fifty percent, for getting that limit almost 85 percent population of various castes have come and joined the race. If we have 30 core govt. employees in the countries in place of present 3 core, then we would be alble to accommodate all reservation aspiring people. But on the contrast, our Central govt. hardly employs one lakh people in a year; out of them 50 thousand get the reservation benefit. Under these circumstances will it be not better the 85 percent deprived population start demanding for 85 percent share in all kind of government activities in terms of all schems and plans, programs and budget and its implementations, which is more logical and reasonable.
Must they not think that without having reservation they will even have hold over 85 pc total jobs of the country. It is possible, but only when we have time bond mass empowerment program for all deprived section people of the country and also we have topmost agenda in the political discourse. Then we have not only social justice, rather it would have greater social justice and any anti reservationist if start oppose this, have to be shameful before opposing it. This is because the public authority has first and foremost priority to the cause and sensitivity of deprived, downtrodden and proletriate class.