Friday, August 12, 2016

उत्तर प्रदेश में कुछ सौ सफाई वर्कर की वेकैंसी के लिए लाखो लोगो ने आवेदन किया , जिसमे दिलचस्प वाक्या ये था की इसमें न केवल ब्राह्मण सहित कई ऊँची जतियों के लोगो ने आवेदन किया बल्कि इ समे कई तो पीएचडी और बड़े डिग्री होल्डर भी शामिल थे। 
सफाई कर्मचारी के लिए सभी वर्गो का आवेदन करना हमें भारत के अब समता मूलक समाज की तरफ अग्रसर होने का खुशनुमा अहसास तो दे गया , परन्तु बेरोजगारी को लेकर सरकारों की एक बड़ी हिपोक्रेसी और दोगले चरित्र को पुरजोर तरीके से आभासित कर गया।
कहना ना होगा हमारा आधुनिक ट्रेड यूनियन कानून एक तरफ कुछ चंद रोजगार प्राप्त लोगो की जरूरत से ज्यादा चांदी करता है पर करोडो बेरोजगारों की छाती पर यह ट्रेड यूनियन कानून मुंग दलने का काम करता है। हालात ये है की आमरण सरकारी दामाद बनाये रखने तथा सरकारी ऑफिसो में हरामखोरी का कल्चर बनाने वाली इस श्रम कानून ने हालत ये कर दी है की क्या भारत सरकार हो या तमाम राज्य सरकारें, चाहे उनके यहाँ जितनी भी जरूरी पद खाली पड़े हो , चाहे कितना भी सरकार के काम रुके पड़े हो ,चाहे कितना भी उनका विकास काम बाधित होता हो , उन्होंने यह तय कर लिया है की वेकैंसी को नहीं भरना है। देश की सभी सरकारें अंदरखाने से ये सोचे बैठी है की अब नए सरकारी दामादों की नियुक्ति नहीं करनी है , हमारा काम ऐसे ही चल जायेगा।
अरे भाई कॉन्ट्रैक्ट पर नयी रोजगार नीति क्यों नहीं लाते ? कॉन्ट्रैक्ट पर भी सरकारें करमचारियों को समुचित वेतन और कार्य परिस्थितियां मुहैया करा सकती है। अगर ऐसा कर दिया गया तो केवल भारत सरकार में अविलम्ब 7.5 लाख नौकरी उपलब्ध है। देश के सभी राज्य सरकारों में करीब 50 लाख नौकरी तुरत उपलब्ध है। इससे बेरोजगारी पर तुरत तथा ऑफिसो की हरामखोरी पर तु रत रोक लगेगी । बिहार में जैसे अनुबंध पर टीचर बहाली शुरू हुई तुरत २ लाख नौकरी उपलब्ध हो गयी । देश के 2 लाख स्कूलों में 1 टीचर है , यदि प्रति स्कूल 4 टीचर बहाल किये जाये तो 10 लाख टीचरों की तुरत बहाली हो जाएगी। समुचित श्रम और रोजगार नीति नहीं होने से अभी देश में बेरोजगारी लाइलाज बीमारी बनी हुई है। इसकी जड़ में है पक्की नौकरी का कांसेप्ट जिसने देश के शासन और प्रशासन को हर तरह से पथभ्रष्ट बना कर रखा हुआ है।
सत्ता , ग्लैमर , शोहरत ,दौलत का नशा इतना खतरनाक होता है की जब तक ये साथ होते है तबतक ज़िन्दगी बड़ी अच्छी लगती है , पर जब ये छूट जाती है , तो यह स्थिति अतिशय दुखदायी और वेदनामयी हो जाती है। अरुणाचल के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्रि कलशे की आत्महत्या इसी मनोदशा को दर्शाती है। अंततः ज़िन्दगी में विरक्तिपूर्ण आसक्ति ही शांति संतुष्टि दे सकती है.
All political parties, whether ruling or opposition, even the PM, who is the governing head of the country, they all perceive politics, is that kind of thing which means, to use either identity or dynasty, money or muscle, for getting the public support and so the power. It does not mean, applying various means of good governance for getting power. Why this is so?
Because we have crafted our politics on these line only, otherwise PM would have not to say good governance and politics can not go towards one direction.
Why you say 'rashtraniti' is above 'rajniti', why do not you say that we have to make our rajniti just synonymous to rashtraniti?
yesterday PM NaMo opined two most progressive and truthful verse before the country. First in the name of cow conservation, there are some unsocial elements, who are doing some hatred activity. And second, he delivered his experimental ideas regarding good governance.
His both version were totally a political and near to truth. Talking about his views regarding good governance, i find his many ideas near to my thinking and these have been already mentioned in my upcoming book. But it was pity to listen all this from the PM.
What he mentioned about many administrative bottleneck, i think, in spite of giving opinion he must have tell the people, on this i am doing that, on that i am doing this. Though , he was bold enough to say that good governance and good politics are always on the opposite side. But Modi must have shown guts before the public that i have this formula when the good governance and good politics will go in same direction.
He could do it simply, by saying that along with economic reform, i am going to launch a major political and administrative reform in the country during years to come
I would like to earnestly request all FB Friends and also all social media users, '' Make your opinion, shier on the basis of merit of any things, events, ideologies, perception and perspective. Do n't try to become blind follower or fan of any thing. We need a healthy, accurate, true, impartial, progressive and scientific social atmosphere for the country and world both!
Kashmir is not an issue. The issue is divisive communal forces operative in many parts of this Indian sub continent. 
Since Kashmir is also a Muslim majority like Punjab and Bengal of British India, so their demand for separation on communal basis has been more pronounced. The existence of Kashmir tagged with India was a just co incidence. Kashmir was amongst the various princely states of British India, which did not want to access with either Pakistan or India.
When Pakistani tribal attacked Kashmir, then its king went for India's support, which culminated in its accession with India on the basis of art. 370 of Indian constitution. But Pakistan always looked at kashmir as its border province which has Muslim majority and so they termed it an unfinished agenda of partition.
But we old nationalist feel that partition was itself a false agenda. Why Bangladesh was separated even being a Muslim majority. Why Baluchistan is willing to separate from Pakistan and in India, despite being a sizable no. of Muslim population, it is on the right path of progress and plurality? I know, there are many in Pakistan, who have right thinking, but their nation state think other way. Ultimately a secular undivided nation state must be our final agenda in Indian subcontinent.
The way Our Media, especially tv media debated GST, it was ridiculous. They talked about GST in such a light and casual manner as if GST is matter of verbal luxury. No, no way, GST is such a new initiative, which require an erection and composition of a complete new system. We have just completed a legislative formality, it will go through a long long process. When this system will get ready, believe me it would be a complete corruption free tax order, specially the indirect tax.
Modi govt. claims itself a govt. with difference. But its real examination will be done through all pre preparedness of GST before 1st April, 2017. The most tough dealing would be over formation of GST council, the main decision taking body and latter on mass conversation with the traders body