Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Success news of our IAS top rankers

 Social media and conventional both are flooded with the success news of our IAS top rankers. Of course, everyone aspires to become IAS. Bcz, in the given circumstances and on an individual term Indian Administrative Service is super one. But when u start diagnosing the whole public system, u will find this institution is the major barricade in delivering anything better to the public. To be anti-public, anti-transparency, anti-humbleness, and anti-democracy are in their DNA. The reason is their Imperial designed framework which never keeps them accountable to the public rather than their political master. They believe in YES BOSS rather than listening to the public.

If we really want to prevail in Good governance, this service must be reframed as an Indian administrative management service.
Anyways my motive is not to disturb the enjoyment of those who cleared their dream job IAS.

Eight years of Modira

 Eight years of Modiraj depicts us as the first true alternative ruling of a long Nehru Gandhi Congress regime in the post-independence era. In Congress, Indira was unlike Nehru, the same way in BJP Modi is unlike Vajpayee Advani. Congress and Bjp are dissimilar but Modi Indira has lots of similarities. Both created their image larger than their party and even the nation.

Barring the fiasco over the decision on demonetization, GST, and Lockdown, Modi definitely brought the nation to a new height. Ujjawla Saubhagya, swachhta schemes have been notable ones.
But the irony is that this 75-year-old Indian democracy seems to be cladded now with a feeling of dictatorial democracy and undeclared emergencies. Any sort of dissent expressed is being rebutted by the Modi clan in a political Vendetta manner. Modi govt. must come harsher over their bureaucracy, not over their political opponents and the various organs of democracy.
History will know Modi as the authoritarian and most powerful PM but definitely not as the great PM.

अयोध्या काशी मथुरा जैसे अजीम हिन्दू तीर्थस्थलों पर मस्जिद आखिर निर्मित ही क्यों किये गए

 अयोध्या काशी मथुरा जैसे अजीम हिन्दू तीर्थस्थलों पर मस्जिद आखिर निर्मित ही क्यों किये गए। सवाल जायज है। पर ऐसे लाखों मंदिर तोड़े गए उस ऐतिहासिक सच के वर्तमान में बदले लेने वाली बात क्यों।

सदियों ने खता की तो लम्हो को सजा क्यों !
क्या वे लाखों तोड़े गए मंदिर सब के सब दोबारा तामीर किये जा सकते हैं ।
गड़े मुर्दे उखाड़ने का कोई फायदा नहीं।
हिन्दुओं का असल पुनरूथान सामाजिक पुनसंरचना और विधर्मियों की ससम्मान घर वापसी में छिपी है। ,मस्जिद हटाने में बवाल ही बवाल है।
पर सबसे खतरनाक बात आस्था का सवाल उठाकर दरअसल हिन्दू संप्रदाय की राजनीत्ति पनपाना है। इसका पहला संस्करण अयोध्या , दूसरा काशी बनने जा रहा है और तीसरा मथुरा। ये तीनो स्थल यदि आपसी सहमति से हिन्दुओ को प्राप्त हो तो हिन्दू होने के नाते मुझे ख़ुशी होगी , परन्तु यदि इसका उपयोग भाजपा के राजनीतिक फायदे में इस्तेमाल किया जायेी तो ये भारतीय लोकतंत्र के लिए बेहद खतरनाक। इसीलिए भारतीय लोकतंत्र में धर्म सहित हर पहचान जाती, प्रान्त और भाषा के उपयोग के सख्त खिलाफ हूँ।