Saturday, September 6, 2014

Planning commission must be renamed as Bharat Parivartan Ayog. it should have two wing 1. to work as think tank for all major area of country's polity, economy, public administration, society and many other institutions like Defence, Judiciary, Media, police, NGOs, Coopertives, Educational institutions, Health institutions etc.2. it should continuously work for developing and evolving new governance technique, method for every possible sector of governance.

we want to name it as parivartan ayog, only because all formal organs of democracy or government like political parties, parliament, judiciary, media and bureaucracy they all work as a formal organisation who disposes their all routine and constitutional work. but for bringing change we can not rely over these institutions because, these institutions work according to the given norms, as per delegated powers, as per the existing trend and tradition. apart from that all the participants and stake holder of these institutions have their vested interest and or say,so they can not think anything fully freely, impartially, objectively and out of box way. the new institutions will try to bring a full and comprehensive, holistic and all round blue print of any reform plan assigned for any sector
we want the new institutions first of all present full white paper or status report of every sector of society, economy, polity and all public institutions. unless we have a full status report over any sector, how can we introduce a new change model over it.

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