Thursday, July 30, 2015

Understanding of misunderstanding
One pakistani gentleman had question with his Indian FB friends
his question is as follows
''I praise Yakub hanging, he was convicted by the Indian judiciary, I appreciated Ajmal Qasab hanging as well. I also wanna raise few questions to my Indian friends just to gain the knowledge that how many Hindu extremists have been hanged so far for their involvement in 84 Anti Sikh riots, Gujarat riots , Malegaon blasts and Samjhauta express blasts ? Kindly note that I always condemn terrorists without considering their religion, sect , creed & caste.''
My comment on this
i know your intention is right, your question is logical, but you can't match rioter with that of terrorist, even not in your country or anywhere in the world. Who were hanged for the communal riots been spread at the time of partition of India? it has been very difficult to pinpoint at any culprit, when mob is behind. Second Malegaon and Samjhauta blast no doubt were technically terrorist act, but believe me it were the frustrating outcome and reaction of continuous Islamic terrorism whether from cross border or within the border going on in India since 1989. there might be few elements in India, who were frustated and might be inspired by Thakre's verse that Hindus must also become terrorist to counter Muslim terrorism and they committed this kind of things, which were, no doubt unlawful. But here do not misunderstood me, here in India there is no organised terrorist group. Some Muslims says RSS and Shivsena are terrorist group, they may be fanatic political organisation, but in no way you can term them terrorist organisation and match them with LET and Taliban and Indian organisation SIMI.Even you can't match Owaisi's party with that of LET and Taliban . Samjhauta and Malegaon were terrorist event and culprits will be punished and judicial trial is going on. If culprit of Mumbai blast took 25 years to be punished, this could also take time. I think you will take my verse in right context and understanding.Thank you Yasir bhai

try to differentiate between Kalam and Yakub
My dear Muslim brothers, you must stop the hysteria of hanging of Yakub now, after all he was not an angel, he was a culprit, might be not getting full justice, but he could not prove his good intention behind his surrender before the court, but you must also think same Indian nation, why exhibited such a tremendous and unprecedented feelings and mourning over the death of Ex president Kalam,. Why? just think over this. After all, APJ Kalam was not a person,who had ever abused his religion and got popular among the Hindus overnights. It was merely his indifferent nature to all religion and good human being, provided him such a love and blessing of one billion Hindus. After all he was not a Muslim hater or Gaddar,so you could term him kafir nor he converted his religion and joined the Hinduism or he ever hurt any feelings of Muslim.
Second, this crime and terrorism is different things and communal politics is different things. The first communal feeling was aggravated in 1857 by the English and next it was resurrected through communal partition of India, backed by govt. of India Act. 1935. And who was champion of this? It was Mr. Jinnah., not Maulana Azad. it is because of obstinacy of Jinnah, country lost 5 lakh lives in the communal riots spread at the time of partition, that was thousand time bigger that post babri mosque demolition event. Who propagated 2 nation theory, it was not by Hindus, even not by Hindu Mahasabha, it was Muslim league, whose leader never went in Jail even for a single day.Since then we have prevalence of identity politics in country in the name of caste, community, language. The rising of BJP through communal politics is just the offshoot of that kind of identity politics. This kind of politics is still going on and being followed by all parties. See, why Laloo and comp. are restless over non release of caste census, because it is their protoplasm of their politics. If we had leader like Kalam a or Kalam b, in place of Jinnah as the leader of whole Muslim population in undivided India, the country would not have been divided. you Muslim brothers, you always quote person like sakhis, togadia as communal symbol of Hindus, but believe me they can't affect much, their rivalries matches with Obaisi and Shahabuddin kind of people only, that's it. If you want to quote Narendra Modi, he heightens his political career through identity politics, but he is not alone, they are many... we have Mulayam, Mayavati, Laloo, Sonia, Kalyan singh these all politicians are product of their identity politics. They were never a reformer politician, at least in beginning of theri political career.
If you are Muslim, just be inspired by KALAM whether A or B.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

APJ Kalam is no more. I am very sad. i was about to contact him for the release of my book. undoubtedly one of the great visionary of country in recent time. A man, always known for his wisdom, humanity and great foresightedness. I just pray god for the peace of his soul

APJ was great expert of energy security in India. He had a very high and sustained vision for the future need of growth and development both

Kalam was one of the few scientist, who had a deep believe in spiritualism and that has no any boundary, he was admixture of all thoughts

I don't rate APJ only as a missile man,a thorough visionary of the country He had a great foresight for the future of humanityand world both

to abuse Hindu to in order to appease Muslim and to abuse Muslim to in order to appease Hindu, APJ was nt like that,he belonged to the only marvel of thought,

The way whole India is mourning the demise of APJ,it shows pple are worshiped here because of virtues,nt because of belonging to any relign.

some cause of concern over accidents
I am happy that PM Modi has taken issue of accident in his MAN KI BAT program, which i think most urgent issue of mankind as well as of country. He has hinted for cashless treatment and like that. The most important aspect is to maintain full order over the roads in which traffic police has greater role, but that point has been ignored.We know how is our traffic police? They are least interested in clearing traffic barring office going and departure time otherwise they are interested in making challans.only. Their work is to avert all possibilities of occurrence of accident. The Foremost reason of accident is speeding of vehicle and over speeding of heavy and public vehicle create havoc over the roads. In india , in no way their speed must be allowed over 40 KM and 60 KM over highway.
Second aspect is to lift the accident victims in second of time, we must have all time running mobile van hospital over the this aspect traffic police has to be made accountable with the help of NGO and charity organisations.Let us start it from the NCR Delhi, the capital of India, rather automobile capital of India also.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sonia wanted impunity for Rajeev Gandhi's killer

Those people who say that killer of Rajiv Gandhi has not been given death sentence, they should know this fact it is very UPA govt. and family members of Rajiv Gandhi requested not to punish them. Once Priyanka Gandhi visited the jail to meet her father's assassinator. Not only that UPA under the leadership of Sonia made alliance with DMK knowing this fact this party openly supported LTTE and Rajiv Gandhi's killer. Sonia never sought for the gallows of Rajiv's killer.In case of Khullar, it is true under the pressure of Akalis, his sentence was dilly dallied.
The whole question revolves around the unscientific and illogical process of judiciary being operated on the basis of evidences. Tell me, how the fast bowler Sri Santh on a day becomes a big criminal by getting involved in betting and another day the court finds him full innocent.This is justice or a lottery?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

नरेंद्र मोदी आज मुजफ्फरपुर बिहार की NDA रैली में कुछ ज्यादा ही आक्रामक दिखे। यूँ तो मोदी चुनावी रैलियों के लिए अपनी आक्रामकता के लिए विख्यात है। पर आज की रैली में उनका आख्यान इस बात को प्रदर्शित कर रहा था की उनपर कही न कही दिल्ली विधानसभा में हुई पिछले हार का दबाव था जो उनसे चुनाव के तीन महीने पहले ही उनसे चुनाव में आक्रामकता को अपने फिफ्थ गिअर में चलवा रहा था./ मोदी पहले बॉल से चौके छक्के जड़ते आये। कही उन्हें ऐसा तो नहीं लगा की जितने रन बना लो पता नहीं कब आउट हो जांयें। कही बिहार में यह उनके राजनितिक आत्मविश्रास में कमी का द्योतक तो नहीं था ? वैसे भी पी एम मोदी का यह दौरा बिहार प्रदेश का दौरा भी था जहा उन्होंने कई योजनाओं की शुरुआत भी की , परन्तु शिलान्यास समारोह से लेकर NDA की रैली तक हर जगह प्रधानमंत्री पद की शालीनता के बजाये मोदी में उनका चुनावी तेवर ही दिखाई दिया।
वैसे राजनीती के मैदान में हर योद्धा अपने अपने दाव और पैतरे लेकर उतरता है। मसलन नितीश कुमार हर व्यक्ति के बैंक अकॉउंट में काले धन का पैसा 15 लाख जमा हो जाने के लोकसभा चुनाव में मोदी के दिए आशवासन पर उन्हें लगातार घेरते रहे है। क्योकि नितीश को भी मालूम है की ये ऐसा मुद्दा है जिसे कोई भी किसी सूरत में पूरा नहीं कर सकता। ऐसा बोलने वाला चुनाव में यह सोचकर बोलता है की बोल लो क्योकि everything is fair इन लव , वॉर एंड इलेक्ट्रोरल पॉलिटिक्स। परन्तु मोदी ने नीतिश के इस उलाहना की आज अच्छी काट निकली और कहा की कुछ वर्ष पूर्व नितीश ने बिहार की जनता से वादा किया था की यदि वह चौबीसो घंटे बिजली नहीं दे पाये तो वह 2015 चुनाव में लोगों से वोट मांगने नहीं जायेंगे। मोदी ने आज नितीश का वह उद्बोधन ढूंढ निकाला।
मोदी को मालूम है की नीतीश एक अच्छे प्रशासक है पर उन्हें मेरा नेतृत्व मंज़ूर नहीं। अतः नितीश पर उन्होंने एक प्रतिद्वंदी के अंदाज़ पर हमला किया। बिहार के चुनाव से आज यह बात साबित हो गयी की यहाँ पहचान की राजनीती के अखाड़े में मज़हब से ज्यादा जाती का ही दावं चलता है इसीलिए मोदी ने राजनितिक रूप से निर्णायक जाती यदुवंश का भगवन कृष्ण के बहाने गुजरात कनेक्शन भी दिखा दिया।
बहरहाल आरजेडी का मतलब रोजाना जंगलराज दिखाओ बताकर मोदी ने बिहार के पिछले 15 साल के प्रशासनिक हकीकत से लोगों को जरूर रूबरू करा दिया जो आज भी कई लोगों के पुराने घाव पर मरहम की तरह लगा होगा। जो भी हो आज यह तय हो गया की बिहार का पोलिटिकल थिएटर अगले तीन महीने के लिए लोगों को अनुरंजित करने के लिए अनेक अनेक मसाले लेकर आएगा

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fourth Estate is at stake

t is great irony that the whole Media world and Media fraternity is divided on lines, whereas the fundamental character of Media is to lie between the lines. After all why it is called fourth estate under the 'separation of power' principle of democracy. The first and foremost reason is that, Media is not an official fourth estate, mentioned under the constitution. It is notional, not actual, so Media does not feel itself a responsible and sovereign body in the galaxy of power centers, it is just a tool to be used and being used for, so it has become just a cocktail of industry,mission, fourth estate, a mediating organ, a publicity vehicle and an armory equipment. So Media feels it is better to follow a line rather to be between the lines otherwise in the absence of constitutional status it's balance sheet will become more imbalanced

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Over emphasize on his poor past
PM Narendra Modi most of the time says he belongs to a poor family and he has witnessed what poverty is all about. What I feel a person beholds his life in his present only, not his past, it is only for imagination. We all have different past, but the present tells different story. What I can assume, at least for last 15 years NaMo is not poor and because of holding of top state executive and country executive post, he life is full of top class facilities, so he must n't claim himself a poor. He is already having more than 100 set of dress. A class character of a person always symbolizes his present.
in our country it has been political fashion among the politicos, specially among he socialist politicians to create this kind of hypocrisy to allure our poor people. If someone has real cause of concern for the poor, it should be reflective in his deeds, action and decisions, no need of gimmick at all. The redressal of poverty lies in creating an environment of empowerment. As we have just heard the target people of social justice are facing sternest kind of court's injustice. We can not cure poverty through crutches, rather creating climate for them
केज़री ने दिल्ली पुलिस को ठुल्ला सम्बोधित कर बोला। इ स बात पर जो लोग उस पर हमला बोल रहे है वे दरअसल केज़री के पक्षपात पूर्ण विरोधी हैं, यहाँ उसने जो मुद्दा उठाया वह ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है ना की सम्बोधन। पुलिस के लोग रेहड़ी पटरी वालो से हफ्ता वसूली करते हैं। यह समूचे समूचे देश का एक बड़ा सच है। इस पर गुड गवर्नेंस वालो की नज़र कब पड़ेगी। इसके लिए पुलिस को गा ली देने से कुछ नहीं होगा जब तक पुलिस सुधारों का रेगुलेशन नहीं आएगा, तब तक पुलिस ठल्लू का ही काम करेगी। केज़री का मै भी विरोधी हूँ परन्तु वहीं जहा उसकी नीयत में खोट दिखती है। केज़रीवाल के साथ दिक्कत ये है की भरष्टाचार और परिवर्तन के बिंदु पर अपने काम के दौरान राजनितिक श्रेय लेने तथा सीधे तौर पर मोदी के सामानांतर खड़ा होने को व्याकुल रहते है/ धन्य हो सोशल मीडिया का जिसने भारत के संसदीय और दलीय लोकतंत्र को व्यक्ति तंत्र में बदल कर इनके समर्थको का एक बड़ा गु ट तैयार कर दिया है./ बीजेपी अब मोदी बन गयी , कांग्रेस राहुल बन गयी तो इस नए राजनितिक दुकान का प्रतिभाशाली और पैतरेबाज डिक्टेटर पीछे क्यों रहे , उसने और तेजी से आप को केज़री में बदलकर बड़े नेता बनने के रेस में आ चुका है.. पर इस नेतागिरी में प्रदेश और जनता का हित पीछे छूट जाता है। मसलन नितीश कुमार को देखिये उन्होंने अपने पहले टर्म में राजनितिक श्रेय लेने के बजाये केबल अपने काम को तवज्जो दी तो बिहार का मध्ययुगीन जंगलराज से कायापलट हो गया पर दूसरे टर्म में जब उनपर विशेष दर्जा और अपनी नेतागीरी का भूत सवार हुआ तो सब कुछ उलटपुलट हो गया। केज़री भी इसी राह पर है।

Monday, July 20, 2015

Caste is still carrying on

Few known journalists opine that if BJP can publicize the OBC caste of its prime minister, then why they are so hesitant to make caste census public. It is irony that media people become party to the agenda of political party. The statement sounds to be very logical, but not at all ethical, ideal and appropriate on journalistic level. The morality of Journalism says that publicity of OBC PM has had castist stink and it was to be condemned, as well as bringing the caste census in public domain will not serve the cause of public and it is also condemnable in the same way.
Industrialization and urbanization automatically cleansed the caste consciousness in our society, even caste marriages have come under decline, but it is only politics, which is day by day nurturing the caste spirit and various dimension of caste vote are being researched out by our election psephologist. This kind of politics make it less competitive and more emotive. I also feel, there is nothing wrong in knowing the figure of caste and community of India, it would give a sociological dimension to the agenda of economic empowerment of millions of downtrodden,
But be sure if it is being made public, it is going to be exclusively utilized by the politicos of the country to make the representative democracy alive.
This sort of democracy neither provide the political opportunity nor the socio economic opportunity on equitable, qualitative and scientific term. Now we have only one thing left, to stop the hypocrisy and convert the Indian democracy into a caste representative democracy. Practically it is there which provides social justice to few representatives only and, masses are being fooled over their emotional attachment. Here political, economic and social empowerment of masses as well as good governance has no scope

Saturday, July 18, 2015

My salute to all festivals
It is very heartening to see lots of greetings post over Eid in social media. In lieu of sending my greeting post i liked many of the post over this. I take all festivals whether Eid, Moharram(tazia), Holi, Diwali, Makar Sakranti, Onam, Pongal, Vaisakhi, Christmus etc. as inseparable part of our culture and celebrative life style of mankind, whether in context of country or the world. I never take them as a publicity symbol of our organised religion, who in fact hate with each other but exchange greeting over their mutual festivals. This is just politics and diplomacy of religion.
We like the brotherhood spirit of Eid, that is whyI feel it good, so the other festivals like Holi and Diwali whether it belong to any so called religion. Festivals has always been part of our culture and in country like India which is always known for its festivities and several festivals, where innumerable occasions are taken in celebrating mode and every part has its own traditional culture of which Festivals are big part. My salute to the culture, not to the organised religions. Let us enjoy all festivals

Friday, July 17, 2015

Hue and cry over parliament canteen
Subsidy in Parliament canteen in fact do not serve parliamentarians much more , they rarely uses there's food. 90 percent users of this food are political activists, parliament visitors, party workers and Media people. I do n't think parliament canteen serve food at a very low rate. the charges which is being taken can easily fill the 75 percent cost of the food. You get a thali in 20 rupees, it will cost hardly around 30, so about chicken in 40 rupee, you can get it in market also in 50 rupee. There is useless harakiri over subsidy. The basic issue is mismanagement in the food canteen over there.If someone thinks that subsidy should be withdrawn. Believe me, the MPs will make their food bill not in hundreds, rather in thousands in favor of big brands
Roja and Iftar party and its cocktail with secularism
Modi did not attend Roza Iftar party, I appreciate it, he must keep continuing this. But he has not done this for the purpose of maintaining gesture of secularism. Because He publicly goes to Hindu functions and temples.Why ? He must as well avoids Holi milan and etc, then it would be called true secularism. Off course he must go to attend all function whether of Muslims, Hindu, Budhist or Christians, but it should be purely private affairs. That is why i am keep saying that no politicians and political parties in India are true secular, all have taken resort of identity politics, Roja Iftar party has become a great political posturing in India, initiated by Indira Gandhi followed by all vote bank seeker politicians. Even sometime Muslim politicians stage Holi milan function to garner Hindu voters support. All answer to these, the qualaity and competitive politics based on model guideline of leadership and governance
Plight of Farmers
Few days ago i had written an article over Farmers' suicide, in which i had mentioned the fearsome indebted farmers succumbs to make suicide, because it gives them relatively easy option to their solvency. These 1-2 lakh loanees are ready to die, but 1-1000 crore corporate loanee recklessly roaming around country by declaring their company sick or like that. I had mentioned in the article if government is at all sensitive to the farmers, their must be reporting of all aggrieved farmers, who have reached at that stage where they are ready to die. Such event has taken place in Maharashtra, as i read in TOI, that three farmers have begged permission from the govt. that they want to die and it has been done through the help of one NGO which works over the plight of farmers. I wish let all aggrieved farmers of the country send intimation to govt. or local authority and sensitive govt. start working to address their plight.

Foreign Trip of Modi
Modi ji, it is really too much. You are travelling countries, as if you are holding some big ambition of a tourist, who wants to travel all over the world. You are meeting with even community people in foreign countries. Why don't you do this in innumerable cluster of UP and Bihar, which are laden with numbers of problems and local governance is not working in tandem with them. Your touring in those part will boost the governance a lot, which is your primary responsibility also. You must be knowing the ground reality of governance by going over there
Recently I Finished reading of two great books, written by two greats of the Country. Out of these two books, first 'Discovery of India', written by J L Nehru and second 'My experiments with the truth', Written by M K Gandhi having around 700 and 536 pages respectively. It took me around 4 months to finish them. Only i want to say the Discovery of India is a great treatise, which has history, civilization, Religion, Theology, kingdom, warfare, culture, literature, sociology, economy and Architecture and at last freedom struggle of India. It shows the great intellectual caliber of Nehru. I think this book is one of the greatest book written in India, must be easily included in the curriculum of higher studies in History.
Second book written by M K Gandhi is a must read book. This book shows What Gandhi did, it was not a Godly charisma, it was his extremely hard fought life which was full of first family samskar followed by his strong principles and ideologies, which he sat for his life on time to time. I think this book is highly interesting while reading, full of Gandhi's life until the year 1925. Though i have written various facets of these two books encompassing all analytical points. But at last i would like to say that we had a serial over Discovery of India, made by Shyam Benegal, but i think Gandhi's book is most suitable for a making of long serial over him. This book is already a screen play write up, presents a beautiful story line of Serial over Great Gandhi, which will be great to watch over screen, a story which start from Porbundar and ends up at Birla mandir

Intellectualism is at stake
It is great irony that intellectualism and polemics both can not be carried on through high degree of neutrality and objectivity. The subjectivity is so instrumental and influential in our today's arena that the actual deeds of intellectualism disappointing both the poles apart and almost all factions of society. People have become so radical that they want to read and listen only those content which matches with what they have created their conviction and identity within themselves. Social Media have made this factionalism more poignant and sharp. The difficulty is that actual truth worries both; under these circumstances the professional and clever communicator always fixes up target audience and say according to them and some clever communicator tries to appease both. this is not fair thing, what is happening among our intelligentsia and fourth estate particularly

Hypocrisy over secularism
I am strongly of the view that secularism is one of the finest principle guideline of running any modern government. But the established influence of 'identity politics' in the electioneering democracy has made secularism a wayward affairs for almost all political parties. In absence of a quality democracy, most of the political parties uses identity politics in hypocratic manner and ultimately exploit the emotion of public. Say for example if you say any party, you are castist, they will say this is social justice, if you say your party is majority communal, they will say this is nationalism and if you say it is minority communal ism, they will say this is secularism. Right wing BJP in real terms don't believe in secularism, they talk about 'sarvadharmsambhav' only because they know it would be easier to grab majority votes because of this. On the contrast all the non BJP, Congress, left and socialist parties talk about secularism, but they can not able to reply, why their secularism did not able to check the division of India on communal line. Second their secularism is just synonymous to minority's communal ism. That is why they oppose uniform civil code , which is one of the foremost ideal of secularism and supreme court is repeatedly batting for this that there must be one law, one mother concept in all families. Last but not the least, at least Muslim community has no right to talk about secularism, because in no Muslim countries of world, secularism is being implemented neither in letter nor in spirit and India despite its division on communal line is far far ahead on this.

Corruption and Government
partisan governments are temporary but system is permanent. As i mentioned in my earlier post that in all three mega scam fodder scam, NHRM Scam and the latest Vyapam scam, the witnesses and investigatiors attached with them were either killed or died in mysterious condition. The continuing death in Vyapam scandal is keep continuing. All three scam were held under three different government, Fodder under RJD Laloo, NHRM under Mayavati BSP and now Vyapam under shivraj chauhan BJP.The kingpin of these scam understands this thing very clearly that merely demise of witnesses can save the major culprit of these scams. so they are doing this. It has nothing to do with the ideology and treademark quality of any political parties, the style of management of scandal is same whether it is BJP, BSP and RJD. So the point is government are temporary, but system is permanently corrupt one. Political parties and media will become party to the cause of opportunist attack whenever some scandal gets break out, but the fundamental things is the cleansing of the system, for which no party and intelligentia groups are ready

Caste census must not be made public
I fully appreciate the decision of NDA govt. not to make public '' the caste census''. Many political elements have become bewildered over this decision, Though saying, the authority of issuing of caste census lies with Registrar, census only. But the problem is that have those political elements no cause of concern for the status of all those poor, deprived and miserly population of the country, which has been enumerated out in the yesterday's report. Does SC, ST, Backwards and negligent social groups not belong to poor, rather they belong more. Everybody know that SC, ST, Backwards and deprived class are more poor and they need majority share of efforts of all form of governments, in terms of resources and governing system. These political elements are more concerned with their caste politics, which is based on emotion and fooling the people. One should remember this fact that merely representation can not help the lot of million of downtrodden of the country, it is all about good governance at mass scale, of which bureaucracy is major part.

Excitement over corruption
Friends, we all of sudden get excited whenever we heard any corruption breaking news. Our media take them as if, it never happened before and its a very exceptional event. But the fact is that hardly one percent of occurrence of corruption, crime , irregularity get revealed or get covered in media. Secondly,any committing of corruption can not be scooped unless the rival or colleague of committer of corruption make it leaked. It happens when the all participants of scandal do not get united or unanimous over this or they have no collective satisfaction over the sharing of proceeds of corruption. So this is democracy and it is run through check and balances, so the wise corrupt make all stake holder of corruption satisfy. In these circumstance, it becomes difficult to uncover corruption.
So untill unless we have a full proof technology driven system, we can not rely over merely RTI kind of things, which actually has become tool of blackmailer not a weapon of aam admi, who can't make endeavour to do this

corruption, a permanent phenomenon
In fodder scam, in NHRM scam, in Vyapam scam, in all of these many witnesses and culprits attached were reported to be died or they made suicide. What is that? definitely this has been done for the sake of managing judicial trial going over them. The toll of dying of Vyapam has risen to 44. Chief minister of MP Shivraj chuahan is also said to be involved in this scandal. Though i rate him a fantastic CM, who is extremely humble and done a lot to his state, but if he is somehow entangled with this, it seems, how big the problem of corruption is and our system is far far away from being full proof
जन प्रतिनिधियों द्वारा देश में जन सिफारिशे

प्रतिनिधियात्मक लोकतान्त्रिक शासन व्यस्था में जन प्रतिनिधियों द्वारा देश में जन सिफारिशे किये जाने की लम्बे समय से परिपार्टी चल रही है / पर यह केवल एक परिपार्टी है जो संसदीय और शासकीय तौर पर वैध भी बनायीं गयी है , परन्तु इसको लेकर देश में अभी तक कोई मॉडल guideline नहीं बना है / इसके नतीजतन जन प्रतिनिधि इसका सदुपयोग के साथ दुरूपयोग करते है साथ ही सिफारिश प्राप्त जन भी इसका कई बार सदुपयोग और दुरूपयोग दोनों करते है। यानि पहले तो जनप्रतिनिधि अपने खास लोगो और करीबी लोगो के लिए सिफारिशें करते है / कई लोगो को सिफारिश प्राप्ति की अर्हता होने के बावजूद
उन्हें टरका देते है और कई लोग जो बिना अर्हता के है वे जनप्रतिनिधि के नजदीकी या उनके साथ वेस्टेड इंटरेस्ट जुड़े होने की वजह से सिफारिशी प्राप्त कर लेते है। इसके बाद भ्रस्टाचार सहित कई चार उत्पन्न होने शुरू हो जाते है और इसमें यदि कोई बात लीक हो गई या उस मामले को ज्यादा तूल मिल गयी तो फिर वह लम्बे समय तक के लिए मीडिया का मसाला बन जाता है/ परन्तु यह एक ऐसा मसला है जिसमे जन प्रतिनिधि या मंत्री करें तब भी और ना करे तब भी फसने की स्थिति में होते है, जरूरी नहीं हर प्रसंग में। पर लोकतंत्र में एक सिफारिश पत्र ही ऐसा होता है जो जनता अपने प्रतिनिधियों से हमेशा अपेक्षा करती है। यदि कोई पार्टी या उसका प्रतिनिधि इस कार्य से ना नकुर करते है इससे उनकी जनता में बेहद ख़राब इमेज बनती है और इस मौके पर जनता की प्रतिक्रिया यही होत्ती है की अब आएंगे वोट मांगने तब हम उन्हें बताएँगे। दूसरी तरफ जो प्रतिनिधि बेहद उदारता से सिफारिश करते है वे कई बार इसके दुरूपयोग की स्थिति में बदनाम भी हो जाते है। ऐसा भी नहीं की प्रतिनिधि सिफारिश करने में अपने स्वार्थ नहीं देखते। अतः ऐसे में देश में जनप्रतिनिधियों के तरफ से सभी तरह की सिफारिश और कोटा को लेकर एक पारदर्शी और आदर्श दिशा निर्देश बनना बेहद जरूरी है

do not go for feeble criticism to Modi
Critiques of Modi government are trying their tooth and nail to expose Modi government, but until now they have not searched a solid issue other than land acquisition, which is unjustified for the farmers living in development islands, but surely obstructive for the construction model of development. But i am giving a very solid failure of Modi government to its hardcore critiques. After the coming of Modi, almost all PSU banks are running under big loss or their profit has slided down enormously. It has happened because all game changer schemes of Modi govt. is relying heavily over the performance of PSU banks, whether it is JAN DHAN or 3 social security schemes, these all have been burdened over Banks. The easy loaning to corp orates has made the NPA of banks on a high note. Not only that most of PSU even Navratnas are not performing well under Modi raj. The revised rate of growth under Modi government has no any meaning unless manufacturing sector catches galloping speed. Without ensuring extensive administrative reform, nothing concrete possible even in this Modi govt.
FIxing of priorities 
I always keep hearing that this thing must be priority, that should not be the priority, we are poor country like that. I also have been partying to this sort of thought for many years.But now i think this is either socialistic jugglery or it is immaturity of thinking. When we think in a family's economic terms, then priority matters, first we spent over most necessities and so on in descending order. But when we think in community or in environmental terms, we can n't say that oxygen is necessary, but sunlight is not necessary, water is luxury, food is more than luxury. off course air is foremost necessary, because it is our immediate needs. therefore when we manages a country or a big commune, we can not set our priorities in individualistic pattern, it must be always taken in terms of fundamental and structural need, otherwise the whole government must have only one ministry, that is for running langar to feed out the people, no need of more than 50 ministries and like that. people comments, people are hungry so yoga is not necessary, what a absurd thinking this is. Tell me before the coming of yoga event, people were not hungry and does expenses over food items have shifted to yoga activities?. A person, a family, a society and a nation need all basic and necessities in terms of food, cloth, shelter, health, education, entertainment and fitness, but government work is to only facilitate these things, not supplying these things in direct mode. in calamity condition you avail food to the people, you distribute food to the hungry people, but it is not good policy to give food to able person rather to avail him purchasing power through employment, but socialists think other way, which actually does not help poor at all

The Untouchability factor is still carrying on

The dalit brothers who cracked IIT exams, they have stoned by their neighbors, as being reported out, it is most saddest events, in context of the country's social life. This is particularly a big spot over the Hinduism, the upper caste people who claim themselves champion of Hinduism, what they are doing, they are just spoiling their own fabric and these things are happening even after the 70 years of abolition of untouchability in the country. The biggest danger of Hinduism is not sitting outside, rather it is sitting inside. This is the reason why India was enslaved for 1000 years

loss conscious Modi govt.
Modi government is very much conscious for both profit and loss. All welfare and empowerment schemes of this govt. are not subsidy oriented, rather they were designed very cleverly. This govt. has not yet announced one rank one pension scheme yet, because it requires minimum 8 thousand crore. the last and the latest one is that this govt. has been able to publicize it great fanfare International yoga event ad without any cost. All empanneled media from DAVP were requested to carry Govt. of India, dept. of AYUSH advt. free of cost on today date and the media is compelled to carry this advt. which reflects the country's international glory. After all why Modi is called a business mindset administrator. Nothing wrong in saving government kitty from wasteful expenditure, but everything must be justified in proper manner, Modi should always takes into account.
Nothing wrong in comments over Sheikh Hassina

The way reaction and comments are being given over NaMo's statement over Sheikh Hassina, it has been very difficult for the statesman and celebrities to deliver their any expression. Perhaps people want these expression must be send to the laboratories before their deliverance in the public domain. I don't think that NaMo's statement over Bangladeshi PM is at all offending . He said , that being a lady , she has been so terrific over terrorism. There is no any wrong notion in it. PM Modi has said this in a very good spirit and it is fact also. The whole world know that, women as a human being used to be more soft and sensible, so Sheikh Hassina is a subject of more praiseworthy. Keep on... NaMo.