Saturday, February 15, 2014

First fix up the grammar of the system, then start up the politics of populism

First fix up the grammar of the system, then start up the politics of populism
By Manohar Manoj

R ight now we have three contenders, standing with high chest over the issue of change in the country. Congress, BJP and AAP, these all three parties are claiming that they have the only mantra and panacea to remove the pain of million of the people of the country, no others have. These all three have tall claims laden with precious ornaments. The largest and longest ruling party congress is of the view that this party has enabled the country with a paradigm of inclusive development. The main opposition party BJP is of the view that as a country, India has lost its pride of a nation state and its economy has gone into an ailing condition, whereas this party thinks that its all ruling states has able to create a fine atmosphere of good governance. The third newly erected party Aam Admi Party is claiming that both congress and BJP are corrupt and their intentions are quite doubtful and we are the only political lot which is taking into account the concern of very common citizen of the country. Out of these claims being projected by these parties, the big question that is to be looked by the third eye of the system, the media, which represents all non partisan voters of the country and work as an observing fraternity of the system, whether this operating political system, administrative system, the economic system and ultimately the social system, these all system which directly affects our sufferings, are they based on a sound foundations and concreted pillars? Are these systems' health is sound enough to deal with different aspirations of the public. Have these parties a resolve to bring fundamentals of the system right on the path or have they only tall claims. Have they some road map and a vision of long, consisting reform which can ultimately establish the grammar of the basic operational system of the country. I think, these all three parties have only tall and ornamental claims. The big question is that are these parties ready to eliminate all barricade and hindrance of the system or they have only gimmick to regain the power for the next time. To my mind, when we talk about the road map of the change in the system, the attention directly go to the issue of corruption which is the biggest obstruction in the smooth operation of the all network of the system. When we pinpoint the issue of corruption then focus goes not on anti corruption laws and its criminal justice redressal, rather it goes on the formation of a that kind of system which does not allow corruption to even germinate. I think it would be the most scientific perception of anti corruption system. But this objective can be fulfilled only when a political party has a real vision of governance in terms of policy, making of institutions, style, transparency, initiatives and endeavor, priorities and approach towards fundamental reform even without considering an individual and party line benefit. On these very parameters, when we try to diagnose our political parties, we find congress, which is largest and longest party of the country. Out of 65 years of governance, this party has ruled the country around 55 years. This party claims that it has done a lot for the country, But until unless this claim is taken on a comparative note, we cannot judge it. If we compare our country with other liberated country of the world at that time we find that in objective terms our country has not got a very substantial result, but in absolute terms definitely country has got some milestones. For example, during Nehru period country witnessed some big industrialization drive along with foundation of big river valley projects. During Shastri period, prime minster gave a slogan of JAI JAWAN JAI KISAN, through this he ensured victory over Pakistan and started campaign of green revolution in the country. During Indira Gandhi period, first time congress started left oriented policy by making nationalization of big banks and spreading slogan of garibi hato through the launching  of 20 points socio economic program, not only that through her wit and acumen Indira congress separated Bangladesh out of Pakistan and won the heart of even opposition party who believe in nationalist  ideology. In 1977, first time a non congress group came in power at the centre in terms of Janta party which showed the importance of political freedom. Janta party brought first time a market alternative to the govt. controlled public distribution system of the country. In 1980, the revival of India Gandhi showed that the unity of multi ideologies parties in form of Janta party was just a transitory phenomenon and were not able to provide a political stability in the country. The sympathy wave of assassination of Indira Gandhi brought her son Rajiv Gandhi in the power and he introduced some trailer of liberalized economic policy along with the introduction of information technology in the country. Year 1989 witnessed the coming of V P Singh on the issue of corruption, but it was again failure like 1977.  In 1991 the first non Nehru Gandhi prime minister P V Narshimha rao introduced new economic policy which was in a way a the biggest decision of congress party in last 40 yrs of independent India. This policy had fundamentally changed the policy regime over the economic front with a series of time bound consistent reform in the country. In 1998 and again in 1999 the first pure non congress govt. led by Atal Bihri Bajpai showed the country that the new economic policy belongs to the congress party but he will implement it in a faster manner than the congress party. In 2004, first time the congress party, through running an alliance govt. tried to show the country that the new economic policy which it had started, was made inhuman by the BJP, so it will try to make the human face of it and along with continuing this policy it will also try to launch a program of inclusive development in the country.  Out of high growth economy and enhanced government revenue, party started to transfer more resources to rural and informal sector. As a consequence, congress also won the 2009 election. Social inclusive schemes like MNREGA with the annual cost of 40,000 crore and massive loan waiver scheme at the cost of around 70000 crore were said to be main responsible factor for this win. During these last 65 yrs of governance when we overview the functions of the government and the management of democracy, we find that these all steps were in fact politically correct but were systematically incorrect decisions.  For example, in last 2-3 years we witnessed that the way corruption emerged as the biggest issue in the present politics, in fact for person like us and for many other social scientists, this issue was already the biggest issue even 40 years back. During the decade of 1960, the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had realized this fact that the governing system of the country has come under the clutches of corruption, commission, graft and bribery. During the time of Indira Gandhi, this administrative economic corruption was spreading over politics also, which was subsequently followed by social corruption and many more institutions of democracy came under the rein of corruption. Slowly and steadily, this flame of corruption captured the whole aura of the system and took the form of cancer. For this being a longest ruling party, congress party was mainly responsible for it and also the opposition did not make this issue a matter of priority. Two-three years back, the way the Lokpal agitation , under the leadership of Anna Hazare and the black money agitation launched by Baba Ramdev and then emergence of party like AAP  and  its showing of good  result in Delhi assembly election, these all development ultimately haunted congress party. Subsequently, this party not only okayed a long pending Lokpal bill in the parliament in a hurried manner, now this party in its eleventh hour of its ruling term, even ready to pass all pending half dozen anti corruption bills in the vote on account short session of parliament which slated to be held in the first week of February 2014.  I firmly believe that though we have a day by day a new dimension and new outlets of corruption getting emerged, but despite this in present days in some sector propensity of corruption has been minimized, not because of efforts of the government, rather because of application of IT, Online money transfer and some steps of e-governance and also because of allowing of competitive regime via market forces and regime of regulatory authorities. The only difference is that corruption is more being noticed now in comparison to past time, when despite the presence of corruption and mal governance, corruption were not talked much and hence were not being made it a political issue also. That is why at that time Congress felt that corruption is not going to affect their poll prospect, so they were thinking that there was no harm of this cancerous corruption to the country. In same way, the opposition parties of the country were of this opinion that until unless the issue of corruption was beneficial to their poll prospect, they were also not eager to raise this issue. It clearly means the first priority for the congress party was to remain in power under the leadership of Nehru Gandhi family by hook and crook, whether country goes to any direction that is why they never scanned this corruption as a major problem of the country. These things are being said, because, in the recently held meeting of block heads of congress party, congress party claimed that  it has given RTI act to the country, which has enabled the corruption issue to be continuously broken by the anti corruption activist. But it is to be noted here that this RTI act was not brought by congress in hasten manner. It also took many years for the agitationist like Aruna Roy and then this act was made. If we talk about approach of BJP on the issue of corruption which also had the experience of ruling centre for more than 6 years and as of know it also ruled many state governments. This party had also never considered corruption as a major hindrance factor in the governance; the reason may be for the BJP that this issue was not very politically beneficial to them. That is why this party also did not take this issue in the top priority. Off course in the legislative house, these parties were fighting with each other on the corruption charges leveled against some ministers or MPs or MLAs, but on whole issue of corruption in the system, this party never showed any vision. Now we talk about the new entrant party AAP which born out of Lokpal movement and latter on it symbolized itself as a party of change attitude intellectuals of the country. This party registered win in sizeable no. of seats in recently held Delhi assembly elections and now it has formed govt. in Delhi with the help of congress party. The day, this party won 28 seats in Delhi and form its government, it gave a nationwide message to the all aspiring political activist, who had no opportunities in party like Congress and BJP, they joined this AAP party. But the biggest question which is being raised over AAP, that is its approach against corruption. It seems now it is just based on a slogan and has become a word for AAP, just for attacking against party like BJP and congress in order to getting political advantage,. System change is not their agenda. Any corruption free system require huge ideological churning  and a making of a comprehensive blue print on all front, on policy front, on law making front, on institution making front, on the application of tool of governance front, on priority of governance front. Slogans are given just for airing which blown away into the atmosphere but the making of vision, work as a weapon for the governance. Apart from corruption, there are many issues lying in our contemporary politics which are the fundamental and prerequisite conditions for the establishment of corruption free system and checking all kind of mal governance. In the democracy. the way congress discarded the issue of corruption it made a crime to the country, in the same way our constitution frames did not assume that in this multi diversified country, the procedure of democratic politics which they are laying down, will take the route of identity politics in terms of caste, communal, creed , culture, region, religion and languages politics in the country, so the constitution makers of the country would have make provision for effectively checking the possible emergence of identity politics in the country. Today every party in the country including AAP are doing their political activities in identical terms, whether fixing of candidates or raising their issues or making their vote bank. Is it not true that this kind of trend, which is going for the last 60 years of politics have in fact, ruined the fabric of the unity and integrity of the country. The day this country was divided on communal basis, it flourished the communal sentiments even in divided and secular India; if India would not have divided on communal line our present secularism would have more meaningfulness. We all know our whole society is caste ridden which has been misutilised by our political parties. They represent different castes of the society and accordingly they have made their vote bank. Our all political parties run themselves on the basis of class- friends and class- foe and so they pick their friend and foe both out of these social circumstances. If our multi party competitive politics were based on good governance only, it would have provided not only the solid foundation for the national unity and integrity but also ensured the application great preamble of social justice and welfare economy. So, if we want to make our politics purely based on good governance, we have not only to demolish identity politics but also we have to thwart out the populism kind of politics. The politics of populism, which is based on the misutilisation of the public money collected out of pocket of common public, it does not promote welfare to the people, rather it act as a greed to them for making their vote cast  to the donor parties. Ultimately, it ruins the economy and aggravates the inflation and promotes the graft tendencies, which ultimately start harassing of the public in terms of price rise, bribery and all. At present, all political parties including the largest party congress, they are ready to go to any extent in order to consolidate their vote cast only because the process of competition politics in laid down in that manner. The best measuring rod of any governance or any manifesto of any political party is that which kind of reform agenda they have, so that they can raise the efficiency of operating system, can raise the productivity of the system and above all can ensure the better management of the administration. Only these parameters should be the USP of any political parties. It is the need of the good governance and it should be tried to ensure in the activities of all political parties whether they are in governance or out in the governance. If it is needed of constitutional amendment, all reform mind forces must go in this direction. It is the duty of all party and non-party activities to ensure this kind of thing through constitutional amendment.  I discuss this topic of political reform after discussing the topic of corruption, only because every citizen expects his welfare to be fulfilled on behalf of government. If government will start stopping all freebies to the public without checking all kind of existing corruption in the system, it will gave people point to say that corrupt are looting but we are being stopped from getting this and that free facilities from the government. So I do say the checking of corruption should be followed by banning identity politics along with abolishing populist economy and if it requires amendment in the constitution, it should be done or a public opinion must be started to be made.  We know already 100 amendments have been done in the constitution. If we bring amendment in the constitution for banning the identity politics and populist economy, it would one of the most fundamental political reforms in the country in last 65 years. Here i would like to give a big credit to congress party for its pioneering role in launching new economic policy. This policy which incorporated a bunch of many sect oral policies, in fact was brought by congress party for averting the crisis situation pertaining in the country, but knowingly or unknowingly it  also checked the menace of corruption, especially on the economic front and it also made our bureaucracy some bit competitive.  Till 90s, on the economic front, our country was merely buzzing around socialistic and communistic slogans, there was nothing more than this. People living in the rural areas did not even know what is called government and where is their presence in their village. Our economy was hardly growing with the speed of 3 to 5 percent till 1990. But it was the new economic policies, which facilitated high growth and brought a competitive environment in the economy and promoted the sense of efficiency in the some public sector enterprises, and thus an appropriate investment climate gets started in the country. As a consequence in last 2 decade we have high growth regime. Our worst growth rate of 5 percent was the best growth rate in 1950-90 periods and highest growth rate touched even double digit mark. It consequently the revenue kitty of government get enlarged and govt. made more transfer of resources to the rural and informal sector. But, in the absence of fundamental reform and perfect matching of policy measures govt. conducted those kind of program in the name of inclusive development, they almost went into vain. Because a good economic foundation, which government had achieved uptill the year 2008, it was sacrificed through taking populist kind of measures like loan waiving schemes at the cost of 70000 crore and non asset creating scheme like the annual cost of 40000 crore. These schemes were part of inclusive development as per congress party, but it was done for ensuring vote in2009 Loksabha elections. These things could have averted but our politics which is based on identity politics and populist economy could not stop this kind of initiatives on the part of congress party. But it resulted in huge crisis to the economy since year 2009 onwards and we have high fiscal deficit, high current account deficit and high inflation rate. Some says that loan waiver scheme to the farmers were done for granting relief to them and checking their suicide, but thing is that our farmers are still making suicide and its permanent solution lies in providing cost plus prices to the all agro produces produced by the farming community of the nation, by making all crops insured under agriculture insurance scheme, which has not been done yet. In the same way, it was said MNREGA was brought to stop unemployment and migration of the laborers. But in fact, MNREGA is doing what, just dig out land and fill it out land, and it is thus misusing huge amount of tax money collected out of the pocket of public. If this scheme would have a foundation of making strong infrastructure in the rural areas, it won' have any inflationary pressure over the economy. This is the simple principle of the economy that any monetary investment in the economy, if it is not supported by production of goods and services in the country, it would have inflationary pressure over the economy. So the result is before us, we have high inflation. In form of MNREGA, the huge amount of public money being spent over whom, who are unemployed youth, who are productive, if this money would have spend over the vulnerable section of society in terms of pension and relief, it has logic, because every govt. has a primary duty to provide comprehensive social security to the all vulnerable section of society, the aged, the handicaps, the widow and widowers, the orphans, the mentally retarded etc. So, this claim of congress party of bringing MNREGA, was a revolutionary step, in fact is meaningless. Our view is that even more amount of money should go the rural sector, but not for being misused like MNREGA, rather in the infrastructure building and skill development which could generate productive assets as well as employment generations in the rural areas. Mentioning about food inflation, the basic reason of this, which we are not mentioning, that is non availability of remunerative prices in terms of minimum ensured prices to the all agro commodities, which is affecting supply chain of the country. In the absence of maximum statutory prices of all agro commodities we have unrestricted prices of all agro commodities during off season period. Since no political party is ready to bear pain of taking bold fundamental reform, they succumbed to take only those steps which were politically beneficial to them.  It is the precondition of good governance to abolish all kind of subsidies.  And for providing relief to the consumers, govt. should take the route of just lower down or completely waive the taxes imposed over the subsidized items. In all, to my mind, for any welfare governments, there must be 4 areas of governance, these are  1. Infrastructure building, under this public private partnership on basis of level playing must be allowed to some extend under one regulatory authority  2. Human development-education and health, under this public private partnership on basis of level playing must be allowed to some extend under one regulatory authority  3. providing social security to all person who belongs to vulnerable section of society like all handicap, all widow and all widower, all mentally retarded, all orphans, all 55 plus man women citizens of country and also these pension should be linked with price index and 4. Exploring all possibilities of employment generation with the help of labor reform and by making price index linked wages to the all unorganized worker and 5. Ensuring cost plus prices to the all agro commodities plus SME produced items and fixing maximum prices of all agro commodities.These all five element are testing points of our all reform measures. So the question is who wants to create a full grammatical environment of governance and want to knit the fabric a cohesive system. But the thing is that there is a race among all political parties on adopting identity politics or populist decision. That is why congress without considering the economic interest of 16 crore farming communities and the prevailing ailing condition of economy of the country, brought food security act just for catching votes and ensuring win in the next  Loksabha elections just on the line of 2009 election when farmers loan waiver ensured congress victory. Over these issues, congress is not only responsible, in fact all are responsible. Because, when our courts had made several decision over banning caste rallies, imposing ban on charge sheeted public representatives like MP, MLAs, banning populist decisions of the government and delegating public, right to reject during voting. Almost all parties gave their reaction on these decisions in a very mild manner. On the issue of charge sheeted and convicted MPs, MLAs the situation turned in such a way that congress has to withdraw the ordinance, which was ready to promulgated over this. The central information commission said that all political parties should come under RTI scanner, but no political parties' bosses liked it. They thought their headman position and activities of nepotism will ceased to be end after this development. So they opposed it in collective manner in all party meetings. Whereas I thing this step might have been a great move to make multi party democracy, a real democracy and it has opened door for all public life seeker people. On all these ideal counts, the newly formed party AAP was got exposed.
This party was more expected to adopt political idealism and deliver fundamental reform in the country, but in spite of this, this party tried to come in race like other big parties in taking political donation. This party also declared all populist kind of announcement at the cost public exchequer and it also issued communal appeal in order to get community's vote. Now the recent Dharna staged by CM kezriwal, proved this they only want to make furor, not interested in framing any fundamental thing for bring probity and honesty in the system.. They are just making political adventurism to get media limelight and fulfilling undue high political ambition. So ultimately country requires a sound political alternative having all vision regarding every spheres of public life of the country.

Writer is a senior journalist and convener, Bharat Parivartan Abhiyan

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